Asgard Forge

Web design

specializes in corporate website design and investor tools for early stage public companies in mineral resource and technology sectors.

Vancouver Web design

- communicating your Strengths, Your Goals, your Message - by Asgard Forge. Wayne Froese, Web Design Consultant.
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Does your company have an Internet Presence that communicates this to your Investor audience?
Asgard Forge's Focus, Innovation and Support deliver precisely that in web design that communicates a clear, concise, consistent message about the value and uniqueness of your company. Professionally packaged in an engaging and in-depth website presentation that's readily acessible on the Internet.
Asgard Forge specializes in the needs of publicly-held companies:
investor toolsInvestor Tools
project profilesdynamic Project profiles
management summariesstrong Management summaries
communication channelssolid Communication channels
We make that the focus of your Corporate and Investor Relations website, branding it throughout with your Strengths, your Goals and your Message.
We build website presentations that move your audience.
Your Brand is much more than a Logo and a Slogan - it's your company's personality. Asgard Forge incorporates tools for defining your uniqueness and purpose in the web design process. And makes it a part of the marketing strategy, moving the visitor towards your website target.
Being Interesting and being Practical are not incompatible.
Balance is our watchword. Making a website engaging also makes it more useful. And balance means good organisation along with good movement. Like the balance in our service approach to our clients: both responsive, and proactive.